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Näytetään tekstit, joissa on tunniste Google Foundation. Näytä kaikki tekstit

torstai 28. maaliskuuta 2019


Näitä Google GRANTS kirjeitä satelee eri osoitteista. Tässä yksi kirje analysoituna. 
Tämä onnittelukirjeansa on saapunut osoitteesta:
Received: from thor.missal.pr.gov.br
From: "Google.org" <gabinete@missal.pr.gov.br>
Thor viittaa salattuun verkkoon mutta ei välttämättä merkitse tässä alidomannimessä mitään. Tosin tuosta osoitteesta edellen ohjattu linkki saattaa kiertää Tor-verkon kautta.  Merkittävin osuus löytyy tietysti "gov.br" päätteestä.
Se kertoo, että domannimi kuuluu Britanian valtiolliselle toimijalle ja on ilmeisimmin, näin ollen hakkeroitu osoite tai palvelin jolle on rakennettu alidomannimiä, tai kaapattu spämmäys-käyttöön niitä käyttäviä e-mailosoitteita.

Vastausosoite menisi jälleen spämmereiden suosimaan gmail - ilmaisosoitteeseen:
Reply-To: burgedykes@googlemail.com

Mitä verkko tietää osoitetyypistä: googlemail.com:

What is the difference between @gmail.com and @googlemail.com ...

When you sign up for an ID on gmail, you actually get more than one email IDs, you also get googlemail .com address, its a lesser known fact but you
also get googlemail .com address, its a lesser known fact but you also get around 10-15 more email IDs usually.
you can add special characters like dots(.) and plus sign (+) to your email address to create a dummy email which would lead to your own inbox.

Tämä tarkoittaa lyhyesti, että spämmääjällä on käytössään 10-15 kpl erilaista e-mail identitettiä varioimalla omaa gmail-postiosoitetta ja kaikki johtavat hänen tililleen.
Kun tili on ilmainen, sen voi hylätä heti, kun tilanne "kuumenee" kärähtämisvaara-asteelle.

Googlen nimissä on hieman nokkelampikin ansa mutta toistaiseki en ole itse sellaista saanut: https://www.is.fi/digitoday/tietoturva/art-2000005053338.html

Laitoin poikkeuksellisesti itse kirjeen tänne loppuun, koska sen "potaska" oli niin järkyttävän pitkä.
Kyseessä on selkeä ID varkausyritys. Henkilötietosi urkitaan "Googlen nimissä" rikolliseen käyttöön.


Google org
1-13 St Giles High Street
London WC2H 8AG
United Kingdom
Website: www.google.org
Our Ref: UK/019-11223/GFG
We wish to congratulate you on this note for being selected as a major customer this year. This promotion was set-up to encourage active users of Google search engine and the Google ancillary services and confirmed by our co-sponsors Visa*/MasterCard* International. Google earns its profit mainly from advertising using their own Gmail, Gala, Sify e-mail services, Google Maps, Google Apps, Orkut social networking, You Tube video sharing, Google search engine and Google ancillary services which are all offered to the public for free. EACH YEAR, GOOGLE DONATES One Hundred Million United State Dollars IN GRANTS, and One Billion United State Dollars IN PRODUCTS.
Hence we do believe with your grant, you will continue to be active and patronize Google search engine. Google is now the biggest search engine Worldwide and in an effort to make sure that it remains the most widely used search engine, we ran an online e-mail beta test which your email address won Two Million Four Hundred and Fifty Thousand Great British Pound Sterling (£2,450,000 GBP). We wish to formally inform you that you have successfully passed the requirements, statutory obligations, verification, validations and satisfactory report test conducted to all on-line winners. A bank draft of Two Million Four Hundred and Fifty Thousand Great British Pound Sterling (£2,450,000 GBP) will be issued in your name by Google Foundation Board (UK).
Furthermore, your details falls within our UK representative office as indicated in our database and your grant will be released to you from our UK regional office in London United Kingdom.
You are required to Contact Google Foundation Board (UK), using below contact details for the documentation and processing of your grant.
Name: Mr. Burge Dykes
Email: burgedykes@googlemail.com
Do e-mail the Foundation Board office at once with the Verification and Funds release form below for validation of your grant. You are also advised to contact our Google Payment Coordinator (Mr. Burge Dykes via the above email) with the following details below to avoid unnecessary delay and complications.
-Residential Address:
-Tel (Mobile):
-Full Name:
-E-mail Address:
-What is your comment on Google Foundation?
Google values your right to privacy! Your information is 100% secured and will be used exclusively for the purpose of this grant only.
Note: This is a FOUNDATION GRANT not a LOTTERY. Google is not into LOTTERY.
For security reasons, you are advised to keep your winning information confidential till your claims are processed and your money remitted to you. This is part of our precautionary measure to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program by some unscrupulous elements. Please be warned!
Congratulations from the Staffs & Members of Google and Google Foundation Board.
Jacquelline Fuller
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