perjantai 14. kesäkuuta 2019

Puuttyöohjeita huijjarilta

.ICU kirjeiden joukossa oli törkeän tökerö puutyöopastusta kaupitteleva huijjauskirje. Yksikään kirjeen linkeistä ei vie sinne, minne sen on kirjoitettu vievän, vaan huijjarin valepalvelimelle.
Lue tarkempi selvitys kirjeen alapuolelta:

-------------------------------------------KRIJE----------------------------------------- Woodworking Made Easy
Construct Over 16000 Items From Wood
If you don't already have a passion for woodworking thats going to change quick. I have put together a super extensive list of well over 16000 woodworking projects. All of which are step-by-step and easy to follow.
Since giving him a copy my friend hasn't been able to put this down.
View All 16000 projects here   June 12 UPDATE - I've added even more amazing categories so if you want to make a table, chairs, birdfeeder, or even toys for your kids you now can.

Most only take 1 hour and are perfect for these warming April days: http://build/wood/project/accept

Just a few of the plans you can build:
  • Chairs
  • Tables
  • Bookcase
  • Desk
  • Outdoor Shed
  • Bird Feeder
  • Coffee Table
  • See more of these amazing plans- http://www.hobby/build/plans
Cut out your info from our index by entering your preference now
 9736 Pawnee St. Midland, MI 48640

(Lähettäjä) From: " Sam Burton" <>
(Aihe) Subject: Build Anything Out From Wood - Guide Included

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