lauantai 4. heinäkuuta 2020

Tony Harris huijaa Business lainoilla

Otsakkeella: "Business Loan and Project funding is ready for you"

Näihin "Netti-rahoittajiin" ei kannata missään tapauksessa luottaa. Tämäkin huijari spämmää ilmaissähköpostiosoitteella jollaisia voi perustaa mille nimelle tahansa, eli todellista tilin omistajaa ei tule löytymään. Jos annat "Harrisille" pankkitietojasi tai/ja  maksat "ns. lainan kuluja", et tule sen koommin miehestä kuulemaan. Nimi on lainattu todelliselta toimijalta. "LendingTree Financials Ltd" ei tuota osumia hauissa,  yritysnimi on osittain lainattu. osoitteesta ei löydy omistajatietoja, koska se on domainin alidomaini. Haku kertoo: "Currently there is only limited information about the domain available." on todellinen palveluntarjoaja jonka kautta alidomainin omistajakin saattaisi selvitä (jos selviää). Toisin sanoien, osoitteeseen tai sen omistajaan ei voi luottaa.


Hello Sir/Ma,

We are inviting all interested project owners and investors to our
project financing program.  Are you sourcing for working capital,
project financing, expansion etc, we are here to provide your financial

We offer quality Services as we are working with some of the most
experienced people in the AAA Rated financial industries. Non-Recourse
Loan, Trade Finance, Credit enhancement, Expansion, Constructions,
BG Leased Monetization, Property Investment, Government funding
and diverse funding is our business.

LendingTree Financials Ltd: we feel it is paramount to invest,
as well as support the development and expansion of viable businesses
if genuine solid income and employment generating projects are there.

We wish to re-invest through project funding in investment loan/Equity
to third party investors, project owners on a 2% interest rate per annum
on long/short term investment projects that can generate up to 10% ROI
within the period.

Kindly get back to us if our offer is welcomed by you and your organization.

Kind regards,

Tony Harris
LendingTree Financials Ltd


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