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Näytetään tekstit, joissa on tunniste AWARD. Näytä kaikki tekstit

torstai 26. joulukuuta 2019


 GOOGLEN Joululahja vie tuhkatkin pesästä!
Tämä Googlen "palkinto" on huijjaus, jolla kaalastetaan sinun henkilötietosi.

Tämä kirje oli lähtöisin Hongkongista, ei Lontoosta. Vastaavia kirjeitä saapuu ympäri maailmaa samalta tai eri huijarilta. Usein tekstit ovat hieman poikkeavia mutta idea on sama.

Näitä Google-award kirjeitä kiertää runsaasti ja kannattaa lähteä siitä ajatuksesta, että sinua huijataan jälleen. Rahaa EI tule, ainoastaan tulee menemään jos annat näille huijareille henkilötietosi.

Google varoittaa itse näistä kirjeistä:

Ja nimenomaan tämäntyyppisestä "palkinto"  kirjeestä:

Jos haittapostia saapuu Gmailtilisi kautta:


Belgrave House

76 Buckingham Palace Road

London SW1W 9TQ, United Kingdom.

Winning No: GUK/877/798/2019
Ticket No: GUK/699/33/2019
Notification: DEC 2019


We wish to congratulate you on this note, for being part of our selected winners (Nine Hundred and Fifty Thousand Great British Pounds Sterling (£950,000.00) in our concluded internal promotion draw this year, this promotion was set-up to encourage the active users of the Google search engine and the Google ancillary services.

Hence we do believe with your winning prize, you will continue to be an active patronage to the Google search engine and services. Google is now the biggest search engine worldwide and in an effort to make sure that it remains the most widely used search engine, we ran an online e-mail beta draw which your email address won Nine Hundred and Fifty Thousand Great British Pounds Sterling (£950,000.00). We wish to formally announce to you that you have successfully passed the requirements, statutory obligations, verifications, validations and satisfactory report Test conducted for all online winners.

A winning check will be issued in your name by Google Promotion Award; for the sum of Nine Hundred and Fifty Thousand Great British Pounds Sterling (£950,000.00) and also a certificate of prize claims will be sent alongside your winning check cashable at any bank.

You are advised to contact the assigned Google Program Administrator/Coordinator with the following details to avoid unnecessary delay and complications:

VERIFICATION AND FUNDS RELEASE FORM (näitä tietoja ei saa antaa minkään e-mailin tai kyselylomakkeen kenttiin. Tällä tiedolla voidaan tehdää rikos, jonka sinä joudut korvaamaan)

(1)Your Contact Address/Private Email Address
(2)Your Tel/Fax Numbers
(3)Your Nationality/Country
(4)Your Full Name
(7)Ever Won An Online Lottery?
(8)Comments About Google

Jeffrey Dean - Google Senior Fellow (Program Administrator/Coordinator)

Email: atmremmittanceunit001@yahoo.co.jp (tämä e-mail menisi Japaniin, yahoon ilmaisosoitteella. Google käyttäisi omaa tiliään)

Tel:+44-70319-259-15  Fax:+44 (0) 704-307-3105

Google values your right to privacy! Your information is 100% secured and will be used exclusively for the purpose of this award only.

The Google Promotion Award Team has discovered a huge number of double claims due to winners informing close friends relatives and third parties about their winning and also sharing their pin numbers. As a result of this, these friends try to claim the lottery on behalf of the real winners. The Google Promotion Award Team has reached a decision from its headquarters that any double claim discovered by the Lottery Board will result to the canceling of that particular winning, leading to a loss for both the double claimer and the real winner, as it is taken that the real winner was the informer to the double claimer about the lottery. So you are hereby strongly advised once more to keep your winnings strictly confidential until you claim your prize.

Congratulations from the Staffs & Members of the Google interactive Lotteries Board Commission.

Yours faithfully,
Sundar Pichai

Varoituksia vastaavista yrityksistä tässä blogissa:

maanantai 22. heinäkuuta 2019

F.B.I ansa kiertää jälleen postilaatikoita

Tämä on ID kalastusansa johon ei tule vastata. Jos annat tietosi tälle huijjarille, se tietää rahan menoa, ei tuloa.
Otsakkeena oli: COMPENSATION
Lähettäjä: "F.B.I."
kirje tuli japanilaisesta osoitteesta: "tomosaka@chem.gunma-ct.ac.jp"
Onko FBI muuttanut Japaniin? Ei ainakaan tämä osoite vakuutta sitä. Domain viittaa yliopistomaailmaan. Kirjeen alaosassa oleva "agentin" osoite veisi huijjarin tilille (jos se enää toimii). Tili on listattu "scammeriksi" verkkosivulla: https://419scam.org/419-usa-com.htm
Kirje on sisällöltään suorastaan huvittava.


Cyber Crime And Anti-Terrorist Crime Division
FBI HEAD-QUARTERS: J. Edgar Hoover Building 935
Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20535-0001
United States Of America.
Greetings to you from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Monetary Crime Investigation Department. We are delighted to notify you that we have noticed through our Intelligence Monetary Monitoring Network (IMMN) that your APPROVED compensation funds have not reached you, due to bad and corrupt officers. So far, we have been able to arrest the officers involved and they are now under investigation. It may interest you to know that this Compensation Funds has been awarded to you and few selected Individuals from different part of the world, by the United Nations Financial Economic and Social Council. You are been compensated because your email address was on the list of scammed victims which we discovered from our recent arrest of some scammers, integrated with the fact that you have an adequate citizenship record with your government.
This mail is to enlighten and update you about the approval for the complete release and payment of your Compensation Fund to you by the FBI reliable genuine source. I am Executive Assistant Director AMY HESS, a vastly and highly placed FBI Officer. At our recent meeting held with the United Nations Financial Economic and Social Council, I was assigned to take responsibility of (20) lucky beneficiaries compensation Fund Remittance/Payment to them without stress or delay. So it is a pleasure to let you know that you are lucky to be among the list of individuals whose Compensation funds have been approved for payment under the stipulated guidelines of the United Nations Financial Economic and Social Council. We believe this Fund will be of a great help to redeem you from all the difficulties of life.
We are also delighted to apprise you that the total sum of US$5,500,000.00 (Five Million Five Hundred Thousand United State Dollars) has been approved for payment to you. This amount has been verified and processed by the Funds Remittance Unit (F.R.U) in your name and its now ready to be released/paid to you. BUT FOR YOUR NOTICE: Each beneficiary fund has been deposited into different fix account with the Bank of America (BOA). In respect to this progress (i) an ATM DEBIT MASTER CARD has been issued in your favor and it is capable of withdrawing out the maximum sum of US$10,000 on a daily basis from your $5,500,000.00 US Dollar. Notwithstanding, (ii) the money can also be TRANSFERRED into your distinctive bank account or (iii) via CERTIFIED BANK DRAFT, (IV) the compensation payment can also be delivered to you in a LOCKED SECURITY SUITCASE CONSIGNMENT BOX. These are the four available methods whereby we can easily remit your Compensation Payment of (US$5.5M ) to you.
Endeavor to read carefully and understand, so that we can arrange and submit your final paper works, in order to facilitate the immediate release/payment to you. Beware that the Insurance, Anti-Money Laundering fee and other governmental tax on your funds has been taken care of by the United Nation Financial Economy and Social Council. So all we need now is your personal information and details to proceed with the payout of your compensation funds to you, and also to complete the registration of your REMITTANCE CHOICE.
You are to pay the sum of $680 US Dollar required to complete the documentation process, for the release of your COMPENSATION FUND.
Kindly provide the requested details below.
* Full Name:
* Address:
* Home/Mobile Phone:
* Occupation:
* Age:
The above details is required to ensure the complete documentation of your file. So if you are seriously interested to claim and collect your legitimate compensation fund, which is almost overdue, then contact your active FBI correspondent & directing Special Agent Officer with his official confidential contact details below. You are advised to adhere and comply with the simple directives from his office on how your Compensation Funds of US$5.5M can be delivered or transferred to you in peace, without stress or any governmental obstructions.
Charlie ALFIE.
Special Agent in charge (SAC)
Email: fbi1234@usa.com
Congratulations towards your effort in making this transaction a success. If you have received this official e-mail letter in your SPAM/BULK folder, that is because of the email maintenance restrictions implemented by the Internet Service Provider (ISP). The (FBI) urge you to treat this genuinely and you are to keep this transaction strictly confidential, until you are in full possession of your compensation fund. This is to ensure your safety, and to avoid disqualification or termination of your claim process.
NOTE: All funds have been moved to the FBI over here in Washington D.C and that is why we are contacting you directly from here. So if you have been contacting anyone or office about your fund and it is not coming through, then you must put a FULL STOP to such communication/transaction. But if you are not contacting anyone then quickly claim your compensation funds today.
It was also agreed at the meeting that after releasing out this information to all lucky beneficiaries, whosoever compensation funds that will be found in the Compensation Award Financial Database waiting without claims after the submission of every payment awareness e-mailed letter, such funds shall be confiscated and forfeited back to the United Nations account within (120) working hours. This office and your correspondent special agent will be looking forward to hear from you. As soon as you receive this message, kindly write back with the required details and your preferred option of payment. Upon receipt of your details and payment option, you will be provided with payment details in order to remit the $680 US Dollar required for the complete documentation of claim process.
Yours Reliable & Trustworthy.
Executive Assistant Director: AMY HESS
Of The:
Cyber Crime & Anti-Terrorist Crime Division____(FBI)
FBI HEAD-QUARTERS: J. Edgar Hoover Building 935
Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, D.C 20535-0001
United States Of America.

keskiviikko 26. kesäkuuta 2019

MasterCard "palkito" tuskin saapuu Malesiasta

Tähän kirjeeseen ai kannata vastata. Näyttää olevan henkilötietokalastus Malesiasta.
Tällä ei siis ole mitään tekemistä Visan tai Mastercardin kanssa. Kirje saapuu Malesiasta (.MY)

From: "MasterCard/Visa Card Promo Award." <kpb_btrakit@rmp.gov.my>
Reply-To: "raghumlhtr@gmail.com" <mastercard.m@consultant.com>
Mastercard ei esitä palautusosoittenaan ilmaista .gmail osoitetta. "consultant.com" on luokiteltu epäluotettavaksi ja lapsille vaaralliseksi:
TrustworthinessVery Poor (7/100)
Child safetyVery Poor (10/100)
Aihe: "MasterCard/Visa Card Promo Award"

Dear MasterCard/Visa Card User,
CEO MasterCard Inc.


You have been selected as a winner for using MasterCard/Visa Card products. Find attached email with more details. get back to us with the required information's
Ajaypal Singh Banga,
©MasterCard/Visa Card Inc. - Terms & Privacy
You have been selected as a winner for using MasterCard/Visa Card products. Find attached email with more details.
get back to us with the required information's

Ajaypal Singh Banga,
CEO MasterCard Inc.

©MasterCard/Visa Card Inc. - Terms & Privacy


keskiviikko 10. huhtikuuta 2019

Yandexin osoitteesta ei tule FaceBook palkintoa

Brasilialaiselta palvelimelta lähetetty spämmi, jossa houkutellaan ansaan FaceBook palkinnolla.
kirjeessä ei ole muuta linkkiä kuin mahdollisuus "reply" eli vastausosoitteeseen kontaktoiminen.

ÄLÄ tee sitä. Sinua ei odota palkinto vaan vähintäänkin tietokalastusansa. Vastausposti menisi Venäjälle tai ainakin venäläiseen ilmaisosoitteeseen, joka viittaa henkilötieto- ja FaceBook-tunnusvarkausyritykseen. FaceBook tilitietojasi urkitaan rikolliseen käyttöön.


Kirjeen header osa kertoo karua kieltä "MUKA FaceBook" kirjeestä:

Received: from Corewayprojects (unknown []) (tuntematon osoite)

X-Authentication-Warning: localhost.localdomain: www-data set sender to
logmein@netnews.srv.br using -f
domain: netnews.srv.br
owner: Netnews Ltda
ownerid: 00.739.382/0001-70
responsible: Braulio Anderson G. Mendes
country: BR

Subject: 2019 AWARD X-PHP-Originating-Script: 33:logtaz.php From: FACEBOOK <logmein@netnews.srv.br> (SIIS ON BRASILIALAINEN OSOITE)

 Reply-To: promotionfacebook@yandex.com
TÄMÄ PALUUOSOITE VIE VENÄJÄLLE - ILMAISOSOITTEESEEN. Domannimi on myytävänä jos jotakuta kiinnostaa. Hinnasta ei ole tietoa. Se on jo sen verran ryvettynyt erilaisesta spämmitoiminnasta, että en suosittele kenellekään sen ostamista.

Message-ID:<97a3090260612216773caa70fcd43ab6@radadiyaparivar.in> X-Mailer: Leaf PHPMailer 2.7 (leafmailer.pw) This is to inform you that your Facebook Account has won a prize money of $1,000,000,00