Näytetään tekstit, joissa on tunniste FBI. Näytä kaikki tekstit
Näytetään tekstit, joissa on tunniste FBI. Näytä kaikki tekstit

keskiviikko 11. maaliskuuta 2020

FBI ei avusta verkossa huijattuja

Tämä on henkilötietovarkaus. FBI:n nimissä on saapunut vastaavia kirjeitä myös aikaisemmin ja olen niistä varottanut. Kertaus ei ole pahitteeksi.
Nimesi ja henkiklötietosi varastetaan seuraaviin verkkohuijauksiin. Heitä kirje roskikseen.

Lähettäjä:FBI office <enquiry@dutasuryasukses.com> (ei ole FBI vaan hämäystarkoituksessa varastettu osoite josta verkko kertoo mm. "Duta Surya Sukses sets a new milestone for the island's Gas Industry". Ei vaikuta FBI:ltä, vaikka peiteopertaatioita tekisikin peitenimillä)
Aihe: Your Urgent Response is needed (tyypillisesti huijarilla on kiire, jotta et ehtisi miettimään mistä oikeasti onkaan kysymys)

Headerista selviää, että lähetys on lähtenyt muualta kuin mitä lähetysosoite näyttää:
Received: from [] (port=52025 helo=User)
 by sgvip1.noc401.com with esmtpa (Exim 4.93)
 (envelope-from <enquiry@dutasuryasukses.com>) (tämä rivi kertoo, 
miten lähettäjäosoite on saatu vaihdettua)
Seuraava rivi kertoo, minne vastauksesi olisi menossa. Ei suinkaan FBI:n, vaan huijarin osoitteeseen.

Reply-To: <fbiheadquarters02@gmail.com>
"gmail.com" - tekaistu GMAIL ilmaisosoite, tai mikä tahansa muu ilmaisosoite EI ole koskaan luotettava, eikä FBI:n käyttämä.

Kirje lupaa sinulle korvausta verkkohuijauksista mutta se on siis täyttä puppua. En ole tähän päivämäärään mennessä kuullut, että mikään rehellinen organisaatioi olisi jaellut korvauksia tai avustuksia verkkohuijatuille.


WASHINGTON, D.C. 20535-0001
We have finally completed an investigation with the help of our Intelligence Monitoring Network system, Your name and email address was short listed as one of the victims of internet fraud, that is why we are contacting you as one of the beneficiaries of this compensation payment. We do understand what you went through in the hands of these scammers, but you have to receive this compensation as part of our effort to protect human rights all over the world.
This is to Inform You that the Federal Bureau Of Investigation (FBI) in conjunction with the United Nations Compensation Commission (UNCC), has agreed to pay a compensation of USD$850.000.00 ( Eight Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars Only) to each of the victims of various internet fraud, who may have lost their hard earned money in the hands of internet fraudsters all over the world and Africa countries like Nigeria, Ghana, Benin etc.
If you receive any E-mail from an unknown sender that you don’t understand forward it to these office for proper investigation.
Re-confirm the below to avoid double claim of your fund.
Your Full Name
Your Contact Address
Your Tel/Fax Numbers
Your Occupation
Your Nationality/Country
NOTE: If You Receive This Message In Your Junk Or Spam It's Due To Your Internet Provider.
Thanks for your understanding as you follow instructions.
Christopher A. Wray
FBI Director.

YK:n nimissä. UN/IMF ei käytä minkäänlaiseen postitukseen G-mailin ilmaisosoitetta, eikä heillä ole tällaista kampanjaa menossa. Varoitus spämmistä löytyy IMF:n sivulta: https://www.imf.org/external/scams.htm
Edellinen YK:n nimissä tehty yritys oli 2017: https://vaarallinenweb.blogspot.com/2017/12/unites-nations-ei-kayta-g-mailia.html
Myös FBI:n nimissä on vastaavaa yritetty: https://vaarallinenweb.blogspot.com/2019/07/fbi-ansa-kiertaa-jalleen-postilaatikoita.html
Ja seuraava yritys" muka YK:sta": United Nations Headquarters in Geneva

maanantai 22. heinäkuuta 2019

F.B.I ansa kiertää jälleen postilaatikoita

Tämä on ID kalastusansa johon ei tule vastata. Jos annat tietosi tälle huijjarille, se tietää rahan menoa, ei tuloa.
Otsakkeena oli: COMPENSATION
Lähettäjä: "F.B.I."
kirje tuli japanilaisesta osoitteesta: "tomosaka@chem.gunma-ct.ac.jp"
Onko FBI muuttanut Japaniin? Ei ainakaan tämä osoite vakuutta sitä. Domain viittaa yliopistomaailmaan. Kirjeen alaosassa oleva "agentin" osoite veisi huijjarin tilille (jos se enää toimii). Tili on listattu "scammeriksi" verkkosivulla: https://419scam.org/419-usa-com.htm
Kirje on sisällöltään suorastaan huvittava.


Cyber Crime And Anti-Terrorist Crime Division
FBI HEAD-QUARTERS: J. Edgar Hoover Building 935
Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20535-0001
United States Of America.
Greetings to you from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Monetary Crime Investigation Department. We are delighted to notify you that we have noticed through our Intelligence Monetary Monitoring Network (IMMN) that your APPROVED compensation funds have not reached you, due to bad and corrupt officers. So far, we have been able to arrest the officers involved and they are now under investigation. It may interest you to know that this Compensation Funds has been awarded to you and few selected Individuals from different part of the world, by the United Nations Financial Economic and Social Council. You are been compensated because your email address was on the list of scammed victims which we discovered from our recent arrest of some scammers, integrated with the fact that you have an adequate citizenship record with your government.
This mail is to enlighten and update you about the approval for the complete release and payment of your Compensation Fund to you by the FBI reliable genuine source. I am Executive Assistant Director AMY HESS, a vastly and highly placed FBI Officer. At our recent meeting held with the United Nations Financial Economic and Social Council, I was assigned to take responsibility of (20) lucky beneficiaries compensation Fund Remittance/Payment to them without stress or delay. So it is a pleasure to let you know that you are lucky to be among the list of individuals whose Compensation funds have been approved for payment under the stipulated guidelines of the United Nations Financial Economic and Social Council. We believe this Fund will be of a great help to redeem you from all the difficulties of life.
We are also delighted to apprise you that the total sum of US$5,500,000.00 (Five Million Five Hundred Thousand United State Dollars) has been approved for payment to you. This amount has been verified and processed by the Funds Remittance Unit (F.R.U) in your name and its now ready to be released/paid to you. BUT FOR YOUR NOTICE: Each beneficiary fund has been deposited into different fix account with the Bank of America (BOA). In respect to this progress (i) an ATM DEBIT MASTER CARD has been issued in your favor and it is capable of withdrawing out the maximum sum of US$10,000 on a daily basis from your $5,500,000.00 US Dollar. Notwithstanding, (ii) the money can also be TRANSFERRED into your distinctive bank account or (iii) via CERTIFIED BANK DRAFT, (IV) the compensation payment can also be delivered to you in a LOCKED SECURITY SUITCASE CONSIGNMENT BOX. These are the four available methods whereby we can easily remit your Compensation Payment of (US$5.5M ) to you.
Endeavor to read carefully and understand, so that we can arrange and submit your final paper works, in order to facilitate the immediate release/payment to you. Beware that the Insurance, Anti-Money Laundering fee and other governmental tax on your funds has been taken care of by the United Nation Financial Economy and Social Council. So all we need now is your personal information and details to proceed with the payout of your compensation funds to you, and also to complete the registration of your REMITTANCE CHOICE.
You are to pay the sum of $680 US Dollar required to complete the documentation process, for the release of your COMPENSATION FUND.
Kindly provide the requested details below.
* Full Name:
* Address:
* Home/Mobile Phone:
* Occupation:
* Age:
The above details is required to ensure the complete documentation of your file. So if you are seriously interested to claim and collect your legitimate compensation fund, which is almost overdue, then contact your active FBI correspondent & directing Special Agent Officer with his official confidential contact details below. You are advised to adhere and comply with the simple directives from his office on how your Compensation Funds of US$5.5M can be delivered or transferred to you in peace, without stress or any governmental obstructions.
Charlie ALFIE.
Special Agent in charge (SAC)
Email: fbi1234@usa.com
Congratulations towards your effort in making this transaction a success. If you have received this official e-mail letter in your SPAM/BULK folder, that is because of the email maintenance restrictions implemented by the Internet Service Provider (ISP). The (FBI) urge you to treat this genuinely and you are to keep this transaction strictly confidential, until you are in full possession of your compensation fund. This is to ensure your safety, and to avoid disqualification or termination of your claim process.
NOTE: All funds have been moved to the FBI over here in Washington D.C and that is why we are contacting you directly from here. So if you have been contacting anyone or office about your fund and it is not coming through, then you must put a FULL STOP to such communication/transaction. But if you are not contacting anyone then quickly claim your compensation funds today.
It was also agreed at the meeting that after releasing out this information to all lucky beneficiaries, whosoever compensation funds that will be found in the Compensation Award Financial Database waiting without claims after the submission of every payment awareness e-mailed letter, such funds shall be confiscated and forfeited back to the United Nations account within (120) working hours. This office and your correspondent special agent will be looking forward to hear from you. As soon as you receive this message, kindly write back with the required details and your preferred option of payment. Upon receipt of your details and payment option, you will be provided with payment details in order to remit the $680 US Dollar required for the complete documentation of claim process.
Yours Reliable & Trustworthy.
Executive Assistant Director: AMY HESS
Of The:
Cyber Crime & Anti-Terrorist Crime Division____(FBI)
FBI HEAD-QUARTERS: J. Edgar Hoover Building 935
Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, D.C 20535-0001
United States Of America.

tiistai 28. elokuuta 2018

"FBI:n" lottoansa kiertää jälleen

Tällä kertaa tämän e-mailin vastausosoite vie yandex.com-osoitteeseen joka on reksiteröity venäjälle, eli tällä ei ole mitään tekemistä FBI:n kanssa. Tämä on tyypillinen ja kömpölö ansa. Vastaava kirje saapui jo aikaisemmin ja olen sen osoitteet jo kertallen analysoinnut. Samaa älytöntä soopaa molemmissa kirjeissä.



Attn: Email Owner.
We have finally completed an investigation with the help of our Intelligence Monitoring Network system, your E-mail address was among the email that Won UK National lottery Award which you did not claim, one of the banker where your fund was deposited arrange with his friend to come as the owner of your E-mail in other to claim your winning fund, unfortunately they were caught and have been arrested but the good news is that your fund has been recovered and will be transferred to you as soon as possible.
If you receive any E-mail from unknown sender that you did not understand please do forward it to us verification and clarification. With the help of our Money trafficking investigation department, we discovered that you have some fund valued GBP 950,000.00 Great British Pound Sterling on your name, the said payment is awaiting adjudication and we have authorized this winning to be paid to you, this fund are from UK NATIONAL LOTTERY.
Re-confirm, Names, Address, Phone Number, Age / sex, Occupation and Country, to avoid double claim of your fund.
NOTE: If You Receive This Message In Your Junk Or Spam It's Due To Your Internet Provider.
Christopher A. WRAY
FBI Director.

sunnuntai 17. kesäkuuta 2018

Lottovoitto FBI:stä. Voihan kiesus.

Tätä instanssia spämmi-konnat eivät viellä olleet keksineetkään.
Seuraavan lottovoiton lähettää kaiketi Donald Trump itse henkilökohtaisesti.
Spämmitekstin alapuolella domannimitiedustelut lähetysosoitteesta ja palauteosoitteesta joista kaksi on kotoisin Turkista ja yksi Sveitsistä. Kaikki luultavasti hakkeroituja osoitteita. Mukana olevat liitteet ovat vaarallisia ja sisältävät vähintään henkilötietovarkausyrityksen mutta yhtä hyvin myös viruksen.
WASHINGTON, DC 20535-0001
This is to officially inform you that it has come to our notice and we have thoroughly completed an investigation with the help of our Intelligence Monitoring Network System that your E-mail address was among the email that won Lottery Award which you did not claim, we want to let you know that one of the bank worker where your fund was deposited arrange with his friend to come as the owner of the E-mail that won the prize which they claim your fund, but now your fund has been recovered from them and the people that claim your fund has been arrested.
If you receive any E-mail that you did not understand that is from unknown person to you please do forward it to us to verify and bring the person to justice.
It has come to the attention of our Money trafficking investigation department, that you have some funds valued $800,000.00 USD on your name, the said payment is awaiting adjudication and we have authorised this winning to be paid to you, this funds are from LOTTERY.
Re-confirm, Names, Address, Phone Number, Age / sex, Occupation and Country, to avoid double claim of your fund.
Federal Bureau of Investigation/Director
Christopher A. Wray
----------Source koodista poimitut osoitteet ja oleelliset tiedot---------
Reply-To: <u.s.fbi1@protonmail.com>
Registrant Organization: Proton Technologies AG
Registrant State/Province: Geneva
Registrant Country: CH

From: FBI OFFICE <murattolunay@topcuogluoto.com.tr>  
** Registrant:


 with Microsoft SMTP Server id 14.3.361.1;


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keskiviikko 18. huhtikuuta 2018

FBI paljastaa todellisen karvansa

Sain "muka-sähköpostia" FBI:iltä jossa luvataan jälleen isoja rahoja ($2,500,000.00 US Dollar). Ikäväkseni tuo s-posti saapui ihan muualta. osoitteesta joka kuuluu käännöksen mukaan: "SICREA Meksikolle joka on NISSAN-autojen rahoittaja USA: ssa asuville Meksikolaisille, jotka haluavat ostaa AUTOn perheelleen Meksikossa" ELI siis meksikolaiselle autokaupan rahoittajalle, jonka palvelin on ilmeisesti hakkeroiotu.
ATM kortia taas tarvittaisiin ja varsinkin sen tietoja joita EI MISSÄÄN TAPAUKSESSA tule tällaisen kirjeen perusteella toimittaa yhtään minnekään.

Palutepostikin pitäisi lähettää Yandex palvelun osoitteeseen jonka taustoista kertoo Wikipedia mm. "Yandex N.V. is a multinational corporation specializing in Internet-related services and products. Although most of its assets are in Russia, the company is incorporated in the Netherlands due to irregularities in Russian law. It is the largest technology company in Russia and the largest search engine on the Internet in ..." Venäläiset ja FBI ei kuulosta kovinkaan vakuuttavalta yhdistelmältä - vai mitä tuumaatte - ja luultavasti FBI:llä on varaa käyttää omaa sähköpostipalveluaan? Edellinen "FBI:n" saman lainen e-maili tuli G-mail-osoitteella, että heikoissa kantimissa sielläkin ollaan.

keskiviikko 28. helmikuuta 2018

Käyttääkö FBI G-mailia?

Tuskimpa käyttää ainakaan tässä tapauksessa. Muutenhan kaikki on sille mahdollista ;)

Tämä on jälleen puhdas ID-varkausyritys.
Varastetun lähettäjän domainnimen omistaa: Maxrotec is the only supplier of wireless gantry robot in Korea. MAXROTEC. Company Name : Maxrotec Co., Ltd.
Sivusto on myös luokiteltu verkossa vaaralliseksi. Luultavasti juuri siksi, että se on hakkeroitu.

Jos postin aihe on "Re", sen olisi pitänyt lähteä ensin sinulta ja asiallinen toimija kirjoittaa myös todellisen aiheen kirjeeseensä, eikä jätä kenttää tyhjäksi.